Memo to Microsoft: Keeping your promises is probably a good idea
Microsoft is paying the price for neglecting what any business needs to do: look after your customers. It isn’t just a mobile thing, although over the years mobile seems to…
Microsoft is paying the price for neglecting what any business needs to do: look after your customers. It isn’t just a mobile thing, although over the years mobile seems to…
You might be aware the new stealth destroyer USS Zumwalt has two 155-millimeter howitzers, 80 vertical launch missile silos, and a pair of rapid-fire 30-millimeter cannon. But did you know…
A new feature of the Windows Subsystem for Linux, allows users to chain together commands from different Linux distros and call them directly from inside Windows.
AspenCore has released the results of an embedded technology survey of its EETimes and Embedded readers. The survey indicates that open source operating systems like Linux and FreeRTOS continue to…
Mazda and Toyota are working together on a Linux-based connected car navigation and entertainment system, according to reports.
On Aug. 23, Microsoft released Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Build 16273. This late beta doesn’t introduce new features. It’s all about stabilizing the next Windows 10 update before releasing…
The New York Police Department will scrap 36,000 smartphones, thanks to a monumental purchasing cock-up by a billionaire’s daughter. You can see how an inexperienced IT manager might think that…
There have been various controversies with Windows 10, from issues with privacy and telemetry, to ads and forced upgrades. Following a court case, Microsoft has vowed to never force upgrade…
GNOME has had its ups and downs, but today one of the major Linux/Unix interfaces has turned 20.
While the recipient of the gift of 64 million Microsoft shares wasn’t specified, Gates has made the majority of his donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the charity…
India is a research and development hot-bed for large tech companies like Microsoft for several reasons: It has an increasingly middle-class young population and it has significant challenges present in…
Microsoft has come out publicly against Consumer Reports, stating that it disagrees with the publication’s Surface reliability findings. But it doesn’t offer much in the way of evidence. Ultimately, what…
Consumer Reports is pulling its recommendation of four Microsoft laptops after one of its surveys found that users were complaining about problems with the devices. The consumer advocacy group said…
Microsoft is launching a new subscription program for buying Surface computers and tablets in much the same way that many people now purchase smartphones, with no-interest financing for two years…
In its final quarter of its fiscal 2017, Microsoft more than doubled its profits, saw massive cloud growth, and managed to get a rebate from US taxpayers at the same…