Facebook, others back Linaro’s Linux-on-ARM project
Facebook, Red Hat, Hewlett-Packard and other big vendors have joined a project to develop Linux OS software for the upcoming generation of ARM-based servers, the companies announced Thursday.
Facebook, Red Hat, Hewlett-Packard and other big vendors have joined a project to develop Linux OS software for the upcoming generation of ARM-based servers, the companies announced Thursday.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, including the KVM hypervisor, has been awarded the Common Criteria Certification at Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 4+ – the highest level of assurance for an…
“Microsoft is spending billions on marketing for Windows 8, but there’s no equivalent for Linux,” noted Google+ blogger Linux Rants. “Most people haven’t even heard of Linux, and those that…
Windows 8 was released late last week, and already this week French security firm VUPEN says it has broken Microsoft’s latest and greatest security features. The company claims it has…
Mozilla has claimed that Microsoft’s failure to run the browser ballot cost it nine million users – suggesting the EU-mandated system does have some affect on the market.
A Texas-based company, Intercarrier Communications, is lining up its lawyers against a small throng of companies over a messaging patent. Apple is on the list, with FaceTime and Apple Messages…
Microsoft had barely got Windows 8 out the door before it was slapped with a patent lawsuit related to the new OS. Software and OS design tech firm SurfCast has…
Though Windows 8 may be exciting for its cross-platform access, app developers remain wary of building apps for Windows Phone 8.
In a presentation at Ubuntu Developer Summit currently going on in Denmark, Drew Bliss from Valve said that Linux is more viable than Windows 8 for gaming. Windows 8 ships…
Never let it be said posting your woes on the internet doesn’t yield results. After Linn Nygaard allowed Norwegian blogger Martin Bekkelund to reveal that Amazon had not only wiped…
The Raspberry Pi is now host to the “first ARM-based multimedia SoC with fully-functional, vendor-provided fully open-source drivers”, the organisation behind the credit-card sized computer said today.
Google’s Android operating system will be used on more computing devices than Microsoft’s Windows within four years, data from research firm Gartner showed on Wednesday, underlining the massive shift in…
It was discovered in a Monday court filing from Samsung that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office tentatively invalidated Apple’s bounce scroll, or “rubber-banding,” patent, possibly putting the Apple v….
Amazon Web Services’ Ashburn, Virginia, data center is giving the retailing and cloud computing giant headaches again, and Bezos can’t blame the fickleness and severity of the weather this time…
If you’re having a hard time getting excited about Windows 8, you’re not alone. While Microsoft has steadily ramped up expectations and extolled the new operating system’s virtues for much…